Shihab MianMultimedia Creative/Creative Coder

Shihab Mian 

Multimedia Creative/Creative Coder
About sections are hard. I don’t like writing about myself...

I’ve been doing motion & graphic design professional for 8 years. I’m well versed in leading projects and creative directing. Ever interested in a cycle of mediums currently involving generative art, installation media and audioreactive visuals.

I’m a Bengali-Canadian computer artist who works mainly with visual media and creative coding. Emotion and human relationships in our ever-evolving world have always been interesting to me. In my work, I seek to deconstruct the way we look at the relationships between technology and human emotions, and the ways in which these relationships have been shaped by the rapid pace of technological advancement. Through my work I invite inquiry into the way “advancement” has shaped their sentimentality and empathy, and overall have a deeper understanding of the emotional spaces we occupy when interacting with others using technology.

Generally striving to be kind and make those closest to me know how much I love them :’)

Multimedia creative & creative coder specializing in softwares such as the Adobe suite & TouchDesigner, adept in coding languages like Processing, JavaScript, p5, SQL, PHP, etc.

Always open to discussing new oppurtunies, hit me up :)