Future Relics (2019)
[Cinema4D, Redshift, Octane]Future Relics is an exploration of the demise of a civilization in an dystopian future. Archival data from the not yet lost, space faring colonies of humanity has been made it's way into our hands. Through data logs we are attempting to piece together what happened and what went wrong so our humanity can avoid the same fate.
For a period spanning six months, I created a
random pieces inside of Cinema4D. No overarching plotlines, no ideas in
my brain. Eyes closed, head empty. The goal was to create an entire
catalogue of pieces, and just sort of... see what I got. What ended up
with was a couple of the pieces coming toghether in my head to create he
feeling of a grand sci-fi story, with some German romanticist visuals
sprinkled in. Wanting to avoid the ease and commonality of just writing a
companion piece about this world, I chose to subvert the way I told
this story. I wanted to make it a discovery and that's how the data logs
came to be. Slivers of a story, connected toghether in one big web.
However, alone, they are simply moments in time, fragments of this
universe I created.