League of Legends Worlds (2023)
[Social Campaign]
Team Liquid was one of 16 representatives to compete in the League of Legends 2023 Worlds Championship where all the top teams from all regions come together and compete who is the best in the world. The narrative we landed for our creative direction this tournament was to present them in a k-pop style debut. All of our social posts surrounding the effect were treated in this visual direction.
Campaign Rollout


Ideation + Creative Team: Shihab Mian
Apparel & Merch Marketing Campaigns (2024)
[Digital Campaign]

Team Liquid Honda Streaming Pods (2023-2024)
[Interior Design]Lead a project designing the interior of two streaming pods at Team Liquid’s North American facility, AWTF-NA.

Creative: Shihab Mian
Project Managers: James Almazan, Alex Querna
Team Liquid Brand Refresh (2023)

Team Liquid Dota 2 Banner + Fountain Tile (2023)
[Digital In-Game Assets]Team Liquid looked to update their in-game DOTA2 banner that is visible on the map whenever the team plays in tournaments. As a big DOTA2 fan, I jumped at the oppurtunity to create assets that will exist in a game that has brought me so much good memories. Leveraging our 2023 brand theme we we’re able to deliver a exciting but recognizable look to long-time esports fans as a backdrop for one of Team Liquid’s most competitive rosters.